Dean Fawcett

December 28, 1992

Dean had an unfortunate choice of career - at age 22, he'd discovered one weird trick to getting easy money (it involved check fraud). Like many con artists, he was happy to turn friends into accomplices.

Then his own identification and checks disappeared. Understandably, he suspected that they were stolen by the sort of people who have a use for a stolen ID and someone else's checkbook. But accusing his accomplices of the theft didn't go over well with them.

On December 28th, Dean disappeared. The next month his body was found in a field - or, rather, most of his body. His head and hands were missing. It turns out that his erstwhile accomplices, including a young Polish Nazi who went by 'Viktor Himmler', had been afraid Dean might go to the police about his lost wallet...

In a tragic miscarriage of justice, the other murderer managed to successfully pass off all blame for the killing on the Nazi. Then, as now, those who work with the Nazi movement use them as tools to do evil.