Normally, you would expect a lawyer to have more sense than to enter into an illegal business venture. Especially when your prospective partners are members of the Aryan Brotherhood. Sometimes, of course, people entering into illegal businesses assume that they won't get caught. A reasonable person might, however, realize that the fact that your Brotherhood business partners are behind bars indicates that they are not actually good at the 'not getting caught' part.
Unfortunately for Diane, her lawyer neighbors didn't quite understand these norms of business activity.
Normally, you would expect people breeding for an illegal dogfiͧgͨhᷜt̷̾ing ring to, if nothing else, understand that a fighting dog is dangerous. I mean, that's the whole POINT of raising fighting dogs, isn't it? To make them dangerous?
But then, normally you expect lawyers not to send letters about their sex life to their son. You also normally don't expect them to include penis pics and nudes of the mother in those letters.
For that matter, you NORMALLY expect the sort of people who send penis pics in their letters to send pics of a HUMAN penis.
The Brotherhood 'lawyers' had exactly zero interest in training their dogs to be obedient or safe. They had fighting dogs, they were going to train them to be mean and troublesome. (This was their breeding stock; perhaps they went with Lamarckian inheritance models?). Diane was mauled to death by at least one of the dogs, while it was under the nominal control of the woman of the couple.