Skip was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood of Mississippi. He was a simple retail businessman, selling Brotherhood products to the local tweakers. Unfortunately for him, the Brotherhood gave him a bad shipment of meth. Skip didn't want to pay premium prices for crap. So he... didn't.
The Brotherhood leadership was pissed. They ordered him to show up for a beating. Skip was, we assume, less than enthusiastic about getting beaten up over someone else's low-quality product. Whatever the reason, he failed to show up on time for his beating.
The Brotherhood's leaders were furious. A member not showing up on time for his beating? Intolerable. So they ordered some of the followers to kidnap Skip and bring him to be punished.
After the punishment was complete and Skip was dead, his killers called their superiors in a panic. Apparently they had not thought far enough ahead to realize that *strangling a guy* would kill him and now what were they supposed to do with the body?
Just to cap off how STUPID all of this was - the disputed money? *$250*. Not $2,500. $250. But hey, after the murder a couple of the losers involved got permission from their master to get new tattoos. No word about whether they also got permission to stay out after curfew.