

Gang Profile: Mason's Boys

If you believe James Mason, he's the leader - purely in a spiritual sense, not in any of those inconvenient accruing-criminal-liability-for-their-acts sense, mind you - of an energetic new National Socialist youth movement that is currently sweeping across America and the world. It will bring down the System real soon now!

He advocates committing splashy, brutal, and stupid crimes to get attention and somehow disrupt society enough to start a race war - from which he is sure that his side will emerge victorious. If this sounds vaguely like Charles Manson's "Helter Skelter" plan, that's no surprise. Mason was never an original thinker. He basically cribbed the whole thing from Charlie.

Mason got his start in the youth wing of the American Nazi Party, under the 'glorious' leader George Lincoln Rockwell. (The guy with the swastika armband).

The astute observer may recall that Mr. Rockwell is a little, well, late of late. Apparently one of Rockwell's followers took a dim view of being expelled from the organization in a dispute over economic models. (The killer was a bit more of a Strasserist than Rockwell was.).

Mason stayed on in the "National Socialist White People's Party" (for Rockwell had changed the name just before his death) for ten years before leaving to join the recently-started "National Socialist Liberation Front" (not to be confused with the "National Socialist Liberation Front". The first NSLF was the wing the college wing of the NSWPP, the second NSLF was feuding with the NSWPP from the start.

The NSLF preached violent revolution to establish a National Socialist government, though in practice their "revolution" consisted mostly of attacking random civilians and trying to troll the NSWPP. Their trolling project was successful, managing to provoke an NSWPP member into killing the NSLF's leader.

The hot movement James Mason founded is, of course, the Universal Order. Surely you've heard of them? They were founded in the 1980s by Mason and Charlie. Yeah, THAT Charlie. The Universal Order displayed the level of success typical of every project Charles Manson embarked on, which is to say it accomplished exactly none of its long-term goals. Since Charlie was in prison for the rest of his life, it didn't even get him laid like his early cult activities.

Mason spent the late 80s and early 90s busy with the less overtly political side of National Socialism. In the 90s, when Mason's ex turned sixteen, she started dating a nonwhite. This infuriated Mason, as it made his social circle acutely aware of just how thoroughly cucked he was. Mason started threatening the girl and boyfriend.

He was somewhat oblivious to changes in society's moral expectations. When he joined the American Nazi Party, even a normal person would not have objected to him dating a 14 year old. After all, he was 14. A forty year old turning his attention from his old hobby of trying to groom underage boys into terror attacks to grooming underage girls for sexual abuse is, however, somewhat less popular... and Mason failed to quite catch on that his spasm of cuck-related outrage might lead to someone putting two and two together. Or, in this case, putting "just turned 16" and "abusive ex is over 40" together.

It should be clarified at this point that there are rumors floating around 4chan and similar places that he was outed as a child porn producer by harrassing his ex. These are false and defamatory. The convictions for producing child pornography originate from material siezed in 1988 and 1991 depicting a fifteen year old girl; the ex-girlfriend he got in trouble for threatening could not have been older than 14 at the time of the last raid, and so can't have been the kid in the pictures.

In the 2010s, Mason got back into the organizing business. The new movement was based around a collection of articles from his newsletter, 'Siege', and a merch store based in the US. Mason himself wasn't the official leader; we aren't sure if that's because the merch store people were doing all the work or if that was simply because Mason thinks he can dodge legal liability that way.

The new movement was called "Atomwaffen Division" Atomwaffen is German for "Nuclear weapons" or "Nuclear armed".

The new movement was called "Sonnenkrieg Division" (Sun-war, a reference to the 'Black Sun' motif in Nazi occultism) and it was based in the UK.

The new movement was called "Feuerkrieg Division" (Fire-war) and it was based in Estonia.

The purpose of all these divisions is the same - to groom young men into committing spectacular crimes that will trigger an apocalyptic war, bring down civilization, and put a band of Nazi thugs in control of (insert country here).

Feuerkrieg Division dissolved in a fit of shame when the members finally learned that the reason the Führer of all the Nazi edgelords in Estonia sounded like an edgy and not very bright twelve year old was that he was, in fact, an edgy and not very bright twelve year old.

Sonnenkreig Division dissolved as most of the active members got arrested for threatening people, plotting terror attacks, or ritually molesting children.

Atomwaffen Division dissolved because, between members constantly getting arrested every time they so much as threatened someone (much less killed someone), the fact that the only time they got together to form a terror cell one of the members wound up killing the others, and the fact that they were infiltrated and taken over by a Satanic pedophile cult that even Nazis didn't want to be associated with, nobody really wanted to be associated with the brand anymore. We suspect the merch store probably also wanted to sell new products.

The new movement was called the National Socialist Order, and aimed to bring about the violent and destructive chaos that will inevitably lead to Nazi triumph by grooming young men into Mansonite National Socialism.

The National Socialist Order was disbanded because it was infiltrated and taken over by a Satanic pedophile cult that even Nazis didn't want to be associated with.

The new movement was called the National Socialist Resistance Front. It is the hot new movement that all the Nazi kids are joining! The new movement is called the National Socialist Liberation Front! This is a very original name that nobody has used before! These two launched simultaneously and I'm not sure what the organizational division was.

The National Socialist Resistance Front and National Socialist Liberation Front were disbanded because they were infiltated and taken over by... hey, you'll never guess. What's worse than a Satanist pedophile?

The NSRF/NSLF were disbanded because they were infiltrated and taken over by... James Mason. Or rather, if you believe the ex-members, they flounced off in a snit because James Mason appointed a Satanist pedophile as the leader of the group. They apparently think the merch store guy should have been leader instead.

The hot new group carrying on the Siege fanboy cause without the guy who wrote Siege involved hasn't yet picked a name, though they are updating the merch store.

We expect them to launch a new brand sometime this coming spring (2023), and to dissolve after being infiltrated by Satanist pedophiles sometime in autumn.

Whatever the branding, the general idea of Mason's groups remains the same. Groom messed up kids, tell them that people will think they're really cool if they just commit some really spectacular and horrible crimes, and then rebrand to avoid organizer liability.

Funfact! While Mason's boys love to build themselves up as this terrifying threat to society, they're more scared of you than you are of them. If you can find their social media accounts, they will piss their pants and block you if you start mocking them.